SCHiM: The Most Unique Platformer You’ll Play in 2024

This might be one of the most wholesome platformers I’ve ever played. SCHiM throws you into the unique role of a shadow separated from its person.

In this article, we’ll be giving a full review of the game and ranking it from decaf to fully caffeinated.

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SCHiM’s story is deceptively simple yet strangely heartwarming. You begin as the shadow of a child, following them through their formative years until a brutal separation occurs. The rest of the game revolves around your quest to reunite with your person and become whole again.

What’s truly clever is how the story unfolds. There’s no narration, dialogue, or text at all. Instead, the narrative is conveyed through a beautiful soundtrack and environmental details. This open-ended approach allows you to craft your own interpretations. You can create elaborate backstories or simply enjoy the gameplay without getting emotionally attached.

Personally, I loved this storytelling style. It’s open enough for personal meaning-making, yet linear enough to drive the gameplay and level progression. For story, SCHiM gets a Fully Caffeinated rating.


SCHiM might be classified as a 3D platformer, but it feels entirely different. You control a cute shadow blob, leaping from shadow to shadow as you navigate each level towards the designated goal. As expected, the difficulty ramps up as you progress, introducing new challenges like moving shadows and interactive objects. You can manipulate traffic lights, raise boom gates, and even interact with people in their shadows, often with surprising results.

Night levels take things to a whole new level with dynamic light sources that create a unique challenge. While I’m not usually a platformer fan (mostly because of my lack of skill!), SCHiM struck a perfect balance between difficulty and achievability. The shadow mechanic completely changes the perspective on platforming, offering a fresh take on the genre. For gameplay, SCHiM gets another Fully Caffeinated rating.


SCHiM’s design is unlike anything else. The visuals are striking, employing a minimalist black and white palette with bold pops of color and shading. This creates a captivating aesthetic that makes navigating levels easier while maintaining personality in every element.

The soundscape perfectly complements the visuals, providing a chill soundtrack that sets the scene. Sound effects, especially when interacting with objects, add a layer of life to the world. In terms of design, SCHiM gets another Fully Caffeinated rating.


I’ve never seen a game approach platforming mechanics quite like SCHiM. It’s hard to believe it’s a platformer at all! This unique concept combined with the captivating visuals creates a game unlike anything else I’ve experienced. There’s a whole lot of innovation that’s gone into the creation of this game both mechanically and visually so for originality, SCHiM gets a resounding Fully Caffeinated rating.


It’s rare to find a game that not only transcends genre boundaries but also makes you love a genre you typically avoid. SCHiM offers a fun and engaging experience in a way that’s both unique and surprisingly accessible. Unlike most platformers, this one didn’t leave me wanting to rage quit!

We’ve thoroughly examined SCHiM, and it’s time for the taste test: SCHiM is Fully Caffeinated

SCHiM is available now on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, and Steam. You can find more info here.

Until next time, stay caffeinated!